Welcome to Kookie's Kitchen!
A friend of mine suggested I start my own blog to keep my cooking concoctions in one place... and I think its a great idea! So here it is!
My blog, cataloguing my successes... and failures.
I'm a chef by trade, but unlike (most) chefs I know, I love to experiment at home. Most people assume that because I cook all day, I don't want to cook when I'm at home... WRONG! I LOVE cooking. I also love cooking for other people. I will spend DAYS planning menus, and thinking up interesting food pairings. And this... this is where I will put my results.
Most of the time I don't measure my ingredients, but I will endeavour to provide approximate measurements. and PLEASE NOTE... I don't expect you to follow my recipes to the letter... post any changes (whether good or bad) and ideas you have... if you're not confident enough to try any of the ideas, please, post them and I will try them for you next time I make the dish, and post the results here, with a credit to you :)
For all the recipes I post, I am going to attempt to cost each ingredient as per the "recipe", so you can have a general idea of how much each costs. (This will be in £s, as I am British.... But if you need to convert to your own currency, use
this site.). I am using the prices based on the
Asda site (as I buy most of my stuff from there) and I convert my weights using
this site.
I hope you enjoy my blog.
I don't expect many followers, but whoever does follow it, I hope to inspire you all to cook with relish (not literally... relish doesn't go with everything!).
I believe in inspiration and imagination. And I hope this blog can do both....
There is a link to my Pinterest page as well on this blog, so you can take a nosey if you like :)