Sunday 26 January 2014

Tex Mex Sides... Arriba!

Why buy shop bought when you can just make it in the time it takes to open the fridge and open a jar? 

Its fresh, its tasty, its sooo much healthier, so much cheaper and better for you than shop bought, as there are no added chemicals and you know exactly what you're putting in your recipes!

Average cost for this recipe amount:

Average cost for premade:
£6 +

Serves 4-6 hungry people

4 ripe avocados, skinned and pitted
1 tomato, quartered
1 lime, juiced
1 onion, chopped
1/2 bunch coriander

Just dump it all in a food processor, and blend to the consistency you want! 

See? Easy Peasy!


Refried Beans
Average cost for this recipe amount:

Average cost for premade:
£2.50 +

Serves 4-6 hungry people

1 can of baked beans, drained (keep the sauce)
1/2tb chilli flakes
1/2 chopped onion
2tsp garlic puree

Put the everything except the sauce into a food processor.
Blend, and add the sauce until you get a slightly runnier consistency than you want.
Cook in a frying pan, until it reduces to your desired consistency. 

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