Saturday 15 February 2014

Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

Pizza. The best comfort food in the world?

Even better if you make it yourself!

This post is for my pizza dough and sauce... its up to you to load it with your favourite toppings!

Pizza Dough
approx cost: 50p per recipe

makes 2-4 small to medium pizzas

In a bread machine, put the following ingredients into the pan in the printed order:

275-325 ml water
1 tsp sugar
2 tsp salt
3-3 1/2 cups strong white bread flour
1 sachet (or 1 tbsp) fast acting yeast.

Put the bread maker onto the dough setting, then remove and let rest for 1/2 an hour in the fridge before stretching onto a tray.

Pizza Sauce
75p per recipe

Makes Enough sauce for 6-10 pizzas. 

If you have leftover sauce, you can use it for pasta, or freeze it for the next time you have pizza.
(extra tip... freeze it in an ice-cube tray, and you can use a couple at a time per pizza)

In a bowl, mix:

250ml Tomato Passatta
2 tbsp  tomato ketchup
1-2 tsp mixed herbs
(optional... 1/2 tsp chilli powder)

Chill while waiting for pizza dough.

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